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How Bootcamp Alum Maya Obeidat Gained the Skills to Thrive In Tech

Large How Bootcamp Alum Maya Obeidat Gained the Skills to Thrive in Tech Emory

The Emory Coding Bootcamp powered by Fullstack Academy is designed to help students graduate career-ready.

But what about your starting skill level? Can those new to tech truly thrive in a bootcamp environment?

This is a common concern for many aspiring tech professionals, and understandably so. Many technical roles can appear daunting from a distance—especially in the software engineering space.

However, the Emory Coding Bootcamp is beginner-friendly; and students need only drive, consistency, and dedication to succeed. The proof of this can be found in the learning experience of coding bootcamp graduate Maya Obeidat:

“I actually didn’t have any understanding or experience with tech prior to starting the bootcamp! I was assured, though, that everyone was able to start regardless of their knowledge, so I just went for it. And in all honesty, it was the best decision I made for myself. They were absolutely correct about not needing any understanding or knowledge coming into this. You’ll be able to learn and comprehend everything sooner than you’d expect so long as you continue to move forward with it and try!”

While Obeidat’s skills were gained through practice and persistence, a core tenet of a coding bootcamp is the accountability and support to reinforce these learnings. This is done through engagement with all levels of the program’s community:

“My experience with the Emory Coding Bootcamp was nothing short of incredible. I had an enthusiastic and passionate instructor, and everyone in my cohort was supportive and positive. All of the mentors were extremely helpful as well, and took their time to explain anything and everything. The learning pace was quite fast, but that is expected when doing a bootcamp so I had no problem with catching myself up. Overall, the whole experience was truly fun and engaging. I have learned so much from this and am excited to continue developing my skills!”

Another concern many tech beginners have is the pace at which the curriculum moves. Rigorous, comprehensive, and fast-paced, coding cohorts move through advanced concepts thoroughly and quickly. While this feature allows students to enter the workforce sooner—with more specialized programming knowledge than they would gain by pursuing a traditional degree—it can be a challenge at times.

“The most challenging thing for me was probably my lack of knowledge coming into this, coupled with the pace of learning. But I was determined and never gave up—even when things got tough. I just made sure to put in extra work and practice outside of class to make sure I was understanding things and capable of doing it on my own. All of the instructors and mentors, including my classmates, were extremely supportive and helpful, so if I had any concerns or problems I knew I could go to any one of them and they would all be willing to help and explain. I’m extremely grateful and appreciative of all of them!”

Ultimately, graduates like Maya Obeidat feel that the hustle of bootcamp is worth it. Like hiking a mountainous trail or staying up to watch the sunrise, it’s the reward at the end that keeps you going:

“There are so many things from this experience that I’m extremely grateful for! I learned determination, perseverance, patience, and of course how to code and create many interesting projects. Most importantly, I learned how to work with a team and to never be afraid of asking for help. I was definitely nervous in the beginning because of my own self doubt, but I was able to overcome those feelings and became very comfortable reaching out for help and working with others. This course allowed me to realize all of my strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. I consider this experience to be very valuable and rewarding, and I truly enjoyed my time here.”

Her advice to aspiring professionals is simple. If you feel you’ll be fulfilled by a career in tech, and you’re willing to put forth the time and effort to prepare to enter the field, then a tech bootcamp might be the right fit for you.

“Just go for it! You never know what you’re truly capable of until you put yourself in the position to do it. This bootcamp is by far the best way I know how to learn, and I definitely recommend it to anyone considering. You’ll receive so much support throughout your learning journey and career search, which is very important and helpful for the long run. The immense amount of support provided was the reason why I chose the Emory Coding Bootcamp over the others, and it’s the reason why I recommend it. It is definitely worth it!”

Congratulations, Maya! We are proud to have played a part in your success.

If you’re a beginner wondering how you, too, can gain the skills to thrive in tech, learn more about the Emory Coding Bootcamp powered by Fullstack Academy.